Контрольная работа|Иностранный язык

Контрольная № 3 Английский язык НГАУ

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Авторство: Kniga

Год: 2013 | Страниц: 8

1. Напишите следующие предложения в вопросительной (общий и специальный вопросы) и отрицательной формах:

1. He knows French perfectly.

2. I understand everything he says.

3. She makes mistakes in spelling.

4. They enjoy their English lessons.

5. They live in Kiev.

6. We use our books in class.

7. 'The plane leaves at ten o'clock.

8. She always comes to class late.

9. I always take the same bus to work.

2. Напишите следующие предложения в вопросительной (общий и специальный вопросы) и отрицательной форме.

1. They sat in the first row.(In which row)

2. The performance lasted two hours. (How long)

3. He went to Leningrad to see some friends. (Why)

4. She put the mail on my desk. (Where)

5. He walked to school with Mary. (Whom with)

6. They spoke to us in French. (In what language)

7. He arrived home very late. (When)

3. Напишите следующие предложения в вопросительной (общий и специальный вопросы) и отрицательной форме.

1. They will return in October.

2. These exercises will be easy for you.

3. He will be able to meet us later.

4. Our drama society will present a new play this year.

5. The lesson will be over at twelve o'clock.

6. There will be three new students in the class.

7. She will leave a message on the table for him.

8. They will write to us on Wednesday.

9. We shall take the children to the park.

4. Напишите следующие предложения в вопросительной (общий и специальный вопросы) и отрицательной форме.

1. He is looking for the book which he lost.

2. All the birds are flying south.

3. The sky is getting very dark.

4. They are laughing at what you said.

5. They are travelling in Europe at present.

6. Helen is taking dancing lessons at the country club.

7. Mr. Evans is writing a series of articles on the economic situation.

8. Ann is doing well in her studies at present.

5. Напишите следующие предложения в вопросительной (общий и специальный вопросы) и отрицательной форме.

1. It was raining when I left home.

2. When you telephoned, I was having dinner.

3. The baby was sleeping soundly when I went to wake him.

4. She was talking with Mr. Smith when I saw her in the hail.

5. The accident happened while they were traveling in the South.

6. When I got up this morning, the sun was shining brightly.

7. At seven o'clock, when you telephoned, I was reading the newspaper.

8. Mary was playing the piano when I arrived.

9. Helen fell just as she was getting off the bus.

10. The wind was blowing hard when I came to work this morning.

6. Напишите следующие предложения в вопросительной (общий и специальный вопросы) и отрицательной форме.

1. At ten o'clock tomorrow morning she will have her music lesson.

2. I will wait on the corner for you at the usual time tomorrow morning.

3. It will probably rain when you get back.

4. If you come before six, I will be working in my garden.

5. At this time tomorrow afternoon I will be taking my final English examination.

6. If we go there now, they will have dinner. But if we go later, they will watch television.

7. At this time next year he will study at the university.

7. Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужной временной форме. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

1. If the weather ........nice next Sunday, we shall go to the seashore

2. If the telephone .......while I am out, please, answer it

3. When you .......the light turn red, be sure to stop your car

4. Don't leave until I .........you.

5. If the river .......much higher, there will be a flood

6. When the weather .........warmer, we can go swimming

7. If it ...........next Sunday, I may have to cancel my trip

8. I plan to wait here until the mail .....

9. If you ...not.......in time, you will not get a seat

8. Заполните пропуски местоимениями much, many, little, few. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

1. Very .......people know about it

2. He is a man of .......words

3.........Was said but ......done.

4......Say and ......do

5......heard about the book but ..........read it.

6. There isn't .......harm in it.

7. He has very ......knowledge of the matter

8........is spoken about it, but ...believe it.

9. We have ........many friends in Leningrad

10. There were very ......mistakes in his spelling



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