Контрольная работа|Иностранный язык

Контрольная I think she, НКТ им. Косыгина

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Авторство: Kniga

Год: 2019 | Страниц: 4

Контрольная работа № 1.

1. I think she ... absent yesterday at the lesson.

2. Jack and his sister ... at home today.

3. What ... your cousins by profession?

4. I had a temperature last week. I ... ill.

5. Last May we ... two weeks in London.

6. Tomorrow it ... Sunday. We’ll spend the day at home.

7. Where ... you from? – I’m from Canada.

1. My birthday is on ... of April.

2. She didn’t answer ... the teacher’s question.

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The Russian Federation is the largest country in the world. It occupies about 1/7 of the Earth’ surface. The territory of Russia lies in the eastern part of Europe and the northern part of Asia. It’s total area is about 17 mln square kilometers. The country is washed by 12 seas and 3 oceans: the Pacific, the Arctic and the Atlantic. In the south Russia borders on Chine, Mongolia, Korea, Kasakhstan, Georgia and Azerbaijan. In the west it borders on Norway, Finland, the Baltic States, Belarus and the Ukraine. It has also a sea-border with the USA.

There is hardly a country in the world where such a variety of scenery can be found. There are plains in the south, forests in the midland, tundra and taiga in the north, mountains in the east. The Great Russian Plain and the West Siberian Lowland are situated on its territory. The main mountains chains are the Urals, the Caucasus, the Altai. There are a lot of rivers and lakes. The longest rivers are the Volga and the Lena.

The Russian Federation is a parliamentary republic. The capital of the country is Moscow. The population of the Russian Federation is about mln people.

Ответить на вопросы по содержанию текста.

1. Where is the Russian Federation situated?

2. What is the size of the country?

3. What are the longest rivers in Russia?

4. What kind of state is the Russian Federation?

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