Семинар|Иностранный язык

Задания к семинару Английский язык СибАГС

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Авторство: Telesammit

Год: 2013 | Страниц: 2

Выполните следующие задания к семинару.

1. Match the words with their definitions:

1. 1) to catch (a criminal)

2. 2) a person who violated law

3. 3) a person who accuses the defendant

4. 4) a place where legal decisions are taken

5. 5) a place where criminals are kept

6. 6) a person who passes sentences

a) a criminal (offender)

b) to arrest

c) the court

d) a judge

e) prosecutor

f) a prison

2. Form the nouns from the following verbs and translate them into Russian:

7. offend

8. investigate

9. decide

10. regulate

11. explain

3. Turn direct speech into reported speech.

12. ‘I have already interrogated the suspect,’ said the lawyer.

13. ‘Stop shouting!’ ordered the policeman.

14. ‘Did you see the accused near the house that evening?’ asked the judge.

15. ‘When did you last see the victim?’ asked the policeman.

4. Turn active sentences into passive.

16. The police arrested the criminal yesterday.

17. The judge will pass the sentence.

18. The investigator will interrogate the witnesses.

19. They keep criminals in prison.

20. The lawyer has already collected all the evidence



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