Курсовая работа|Иностранный язык

Курсовая Метод использования интерактивных игр на уроках английского языка

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Авторство: 5d92211be4f10

Год: 2019 | Страниц: 16

Цена: 1 500
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1.1.The interactive game and its peculiarities

1.2.Classification of interactive games

1.3.Approbation of interactive games in teaching foreign languages




The theme of our course paper is "Method of using interactive games in teaching foreign languages".

The relevance of the given theme is attributable to the fact that in the age of development of information technologies interactive games play an increasing role. Modern teachers increasingly use information technologies that activate the work of students, motivate them to a creative approach that contributes to the revitalization of cognitive learning activities of students.

It is difficult to surprise modern students with simple, non-sophisticated pedagogical methods in teaching foreign languages. Even the most entertaining books for learning English are only books built in a rather monotonous way to study and consolidate the material. Therefore, it would be a great omission not to include interactive games in your study program. Currently students like getting new information through games. This method allows the child to learn with interest, to develop the intellectual activity of students. Playing games students interact with each other, improve their speaking skills breaking the language barrier.

Games make students to use the target language so the process of learning of foreign language becomes more interesting and productive. Learning a new language is a hard work, at the same time games are fun and students like playing them. And it's a good idea for using them in teaching foreign languages.

Interactive learning - dialogue learning, during which there is an interaction between the teacher and student. The goal of interactive learning is to create a comfortable learning environment in which the student feels his success, his intellectual excellence, which makes the educational process itself productive.

The subject of research is interactive games.

The object is the process of teaching foreign languages by the use of interactive games.

The aim of course paper is the use of interactive games in teaching foreign languages to identify more effective types of games.

The tasks of our research are:

1.to examine the theoretical aspect of literature on the given topic;

2.to identify advantages and disadvantages of using of interactive games;

3.to find out types of interactive games;

4.to consider the role of teacher in using interactive games;

5.to use interactive games during the internship and find more effective types of games in teaching of foreign language;

Our course paper consists of 1 chapter "The use of interactive games for improvement of the process of teaching foreign languages". This chapter includes 3 points:2 theoretical: "The interactive games and its peculiarities" and "Classification of interactive games" and 1 practical. Working on the first and the second points we've examined necessary literature and based on theoretical material we've worked on the third point "Approbation of interactive games in teaching foreign languages" at school and applied interactive games in teaching foreign language.

1. Maritza Maribel Martínez Sánchez Armando Pérez Morfín Vilma E. Portillo Campos. Interactive games in the teaching-learning process of a foreign language-20p.

2. Amy Talak-Kiryk SIT Graduate Institute. Using Games In A Foreign Language Classroom, 2010-60p.

3. Cambridge English Dictionary

4. Interactive technologies in teaching. Pedagogics of new time. Olga Rais,

Elena Carpenko - 80p.

5. Theory of learning foreign languages, Galskova ND, Gez NI, 2006.-335p.

6. Game as a method of interactive teaching. Study guide for teachers. Elena Nigmatullina

7. Learning and games. Introduction to interactive methods of teaching. Kavtardze D.N., 2008

8. English grammar. Games in classroom.

9. https://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org

10. New pedagogical and information technologies in the system Education / E.S.Polat, M.Yu.Bukharkina, M.V.Moiseeva, A.E.Petrov M.:Izd. Center "Academy", 2004.-536s.

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