Контрольная работа|Иностранный язык

Контрольная Foreign language in the life of modern man

Вариант 2 для НКТ им.Косыгина
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Авторство: Telesammit

Год: 2019 | Страниц: 2

ВАРИАНТ 2 (текст)

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Foreign language in the life of modern man.

You can’t imagine an educated person who doesn’t know any foreign language. It is especially important nowadays. Some people learn languages because they need them in their work, others travel abroad, for the third studying languages is a hobby.

Every year thousands of people go from one country to another either on business or for pleasure. And the knowledge of languages opens the door to any foreign country and gives them a possibility to communicate, to understand people and to be understood.

A real professional cannot do without knowing languages, especially English as it is international language. You don’t need to know Japanese when you go to Japan or Hindi when you visit India. English is spoken all over the world. You can hear it everywhere: in the street, in the shops, at restaurants.

A modern engineer or even a worker deals with instruments and machines from other countries. He must be able to read the instruction which is usually written in English.

Diplomats need foreign languages in their work too. They make contracts, conclude treaties, held negotiations. If you want to be a stewardess, a pilot or a businessman you must learn English, the language of international communication. Even a shopgirl or a cashier in a big department store must know at least some phrases in English to understand foreign customer.

Foreign languages develop our mind. They help us to get acquainted with new customs and traditions, make it possible to read many books in the original.

ВАРИАНТ2 (задание)

1.Complete the sentences with a or an, if necessary.

a) It is not ... orange. It is ... apple and these are ... oranges.

b) I don,t like ... hamburgers, because i am ... vegetarian.

c) My brother and my sister are... .doctors and they work in ...

hospital. My brother is ... dentist and my sister is ... cardiologist. I don,t want to be ... doctor, i

want to be artist.

d) My best friend doesen,t want to be ... doctor too, because she wants to be ... actor.

2.Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of these verbs: oven, study, wash, teach.

a) I Germany. I am a student.

b) The City Museum at 5 o'clock every evening.

c) Tina is a teacher. She mathematics to young children.

d) Peter his hair twice a week.

3 .Complete the sentences: i, you, he, she, it, they.

a) Al and Tanya are in Moscow. ... are tourists.

b) Ann is 20. ... is not 16.

c) My dog is very nice. ... is my friend.

d) Emma is my sister. .. .is 17.

e) Olga and Alex are students. .. .are good students.

4. Complete the sentences: am, is, are.

a) It... a cat.

b) It...a pen.

c) She ...apupil.

d) You ...friends.

e) We students.

f) He a teacher.

5. Make the sentences interrogative.

a) I understand you.

b) He smokes.

c) She loves him.

d) We work very hard.

e) They live in Rome.



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