Курсовая работа|Литература

Функции герундия и инфинитива на материале художественных произведений Уильяма Сомерсета Моэма «Theatre» и «The Moon and Sixpence»

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Авторство: antiplagiatpro

Год: 2022 | Страниц: 31



1.1 The Indefinite Forms of the Verbs

1.2 The Notion of the Gerund in Linguistic

1.3 The Notion of the Infinitive in Linguistic

1.4  TypesandFunctionsofGerund in Linguistics

1.5  TypesandFunctionsofInfinitive  in Linguistics Summary of results 1


2.1 The Functions of the Gerund in the English Language

2.2 The Functions of the Infinitive in the English Language

Summary of results 2



The present research is devoted to the study of the functions of such non-verbal forms as gerund and infinitive.

The infinitive and gerund are one of the most controversial linguistic phenomena in linguistics, generating among representatives of various schools and trends (A. M. Peshkovsky, A. A. Shakhmatov, L. S. Barkhudarov, L. V. Shcherba, A. A. Potebnya, Sh Balli, VV Vinogradov, L. Tenier, O. Jespersen and others) numerous discussions regarding the terminology of the description of the infinitive, its essence and functioning in a sentence.

 Modern linguistics is of particular interest in the study of the functional and semantic properties of linguistic phenomena, therefore the infinitive and gerund attracts more and more attention of linguists. The infinitive has a hidden categorical semantics, and only its functioning in the context allows one to interpret the meanings it represents. The infinitive contributes to the expression of the compressibility of information, atemporality, the modality of reality and probability, and at the same time makes the statement more capacious and ambiguous in content.

Linguistics emerged to address people's fascinating questions about the origin of language, its growth, and the interaction of different languages throughout the world. Linguists study language vocabulary, word formation principles, and the building of word combinations, phrases, and texts. Today, much emphasis is placed on the study of language phenomena from a functional standpoint in linguistics.

Foreign language knowledge and study is no longer a fashionable trend in today's society; it is a requirement.

Non-finite verb forms include a variety of characteristics that need knowledge of the many ways of translating the identified grammatical phenomena, as well as expertise in interpreting the translated literary work.There are no configuration in Russian that equivalent to the configuration of the gerund, thus translation is problematic. Many writers of grammar textbooks for the English language discuss this issue, and it receives enough attention in the specialised literature.

The relevance of this study is determined by the relevance of the general problem associated with the theory of complicated sentences in languages of different structure, because there is still no consensus among linguists about the types of complicated sentences and the means of their construction.

The object of this research is the non-personal forms of the English verb.

The subject is the functions of the infinitive and gerund in the English fiction.

The objective is to analyze gerund and infinitive in English fiction highlightening their basic functions.

To achieve this objective, the following tasks were formulated:

-to clarify the concept of non-personal forms of the verb in modern grammar.

- to analyze the main features of the gerund and infinitive;

- to identify the main functions of gerund and infinitive in the English language.

The theoretical basis of this study is the provisions on the theoretical grammar of the English language of such authors as: M.Ya. Bloch, V.N. Zhigadlo, A.I. Smirnitsky, B.A. Ilyish, I.P. Ivanova, E.A. Korneeva and others.

To solve the tasks, the following research methods were used:

- method of comparative analysis;

- method of contextual analysis;

-comparative method;

-descriptive method.

The material of the study is the famous anti-utopia novel “1984” by George Orwell published in 1949 year.

The theoretical value of the present research is explained by the description of the contextual conditions for the implementation of infinitive and gerundial constructions, as well as in the description of the spectrum of the meanings conveyed by such constructions in English fiction.

The practical value of this course work lies in the possibility of using the results obtained in the course of the study in teaching English.

Structure of the work. This course paper consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and a list of references.


1.1The Indefinite Forms of the Verbs

A verb is an independent part of speech that implies an activity or represents a state, a connection, or the manifestation of indicators [6].

A verb in English is a part of speech that expresses an action or state as a process. It is characterized by grammatical categories of tense, mood, voice and others [6].

Verbs differ from other components of speech in that they may be modified in number, person, mood, tense, type, and voice [4].

Non-finite forms of the verb treat the process as a special kind of substance and quality. They are formed with the help of special morphemes that do not express either grammatical tense or mood [31, p. 103].

Since verbales are part of the verbal system of the English language, they have features in common with the personal forms of the verb:

  1. Their lexical and grammatical meaning is twofold. The verbal meaning of the process is presented in the form of a substance (gerund, infinitive) or quality (participle).
  2. They are characterized by special morphemes: -ing (gerund, participle I); -(e)n, -(e)d (participle 2); to (infinitive).
  3. There is a dual character in their compatibility [38, p. 183].

Non-personal forms of the verb have neither the category of person nor the category of mood. They express a secondary predication in a sentence. The only thing we can observe is the category of tense, mood, voice [3, p. 130].

In the grammar non-personal forms of the verb include the following four types: infinitive, gerund, participle I, participle II.

 The infinitive and gerund are historically and syntactically connected with the noun, the participle with the adjective and adverb.

Participle I and gerund are homonymous, which allowed some linguists to abandon their differentiation and combine them into a single verb -ing form.

  • The Notion of the Gerund in Linguistic

The gerund is a component of speech that communicates the name of the activity and contains both noun and verb qualities. The gerund comes from the verb and acts like nouns. Unlike participles, they cannot be formed by adding any other suffix to the base of the verb [12].

The forms of the English gerund can be presented on the Table 1.

Table 1.

Forms of gerund

One should note that the Indefinite Gerund is used in the case of expressing an action that occurs simultaneously the verbal predicate [6, p. 253], for example:

He avoided doing this in a wrong way.

Он избежал некорректного выполнения этого задания.

She intended reading that book


In the most cases the Perfect Gerund shows that the action that the gerund expresses preceded the action of the verbal predicate:

She knew of  his writing the report.

Она знала, что написала этот доклад.

He admitted having made the mistake

Он признал, что совершил ошибку [15, p. 231].

The gerund combines the features of a noun and a verb. The gerund, like a noun, may be employed as a subject, object, or nominal predicate, and it can also construct suggested combinations that operate as an attribute or adverbial modifier [5, p. 171].

Having studied the main peculiar features of the gerund in the English language, it is possible to give the theoretical background of the English infinitive at the modern stage of the linguistic development.

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